A bulging disc is an uncomfortable issue that can cause severe back pain. It occurs when a disc moves from its proper place in the spine and compresses on nearby nerves or worse yet the spinal cord. Many treatments like drugs, therapies, epidurals, and new pain lasers only treat the pain but not the bad disc that is causing it. This is crucial because the disc is causing your pain in the first place. If you’re looking for a more natural alternative, there are plenty of ways you can manage your bulging disc pain.
It may seem counterintuitive to be active while experiencing back pain, but it is one of the best things for you. If you continue to stay inactive, your muscles weaken and they aren’t able to support your spine any better and it can actually lead to more pressure being put on the bulging disc. It’s best to move as much as you can, but don’t over-exert yourself if you’re in too much pain. Going for walks, swimming, and cycling are all great ways to stay active and strengthen your muscles. You can also emphasize exercise that straightens your core and back. As you continue exercising, it allows your body to support your spine and discs more so you can decrease the pain.
When the body feels pain, it is actually due to inflammation. This is the body’s natural response to illness and injury. However, if you have a prolonged injury it can lead to over-inflammation and this can prevent an injury from healing properly. You can help your body repair itself by eating an anti-inflammatory diet. Start by reducing or completely eliminating foods that are high in sugar, highly processed, refined, in packages, or chemically treated (such as crops sprayed with pesticides). Shift your diet toward eating healing foods instead. These include whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Leafy greens, fermented foods, and foods high in healthy fats (like avocados or extra virgin olive oil) are particularly good options.
A lot happens while you sleep. This is the time when your body recovers from the day and undergoes essential functions. Getting plenty of sleep lowers stress levels and helps you maintain a healthy body weight. Both of these factors can help reduce the pain you feel from a bulging disc. Prioritize getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night so your body has plenty of time to rest. If you are engaged in a lot of physical activity, make sure you balance that out with plenty of rest in between workouts. While staying active is beneficial, it’s also possible to overwork your body and this will actually limit your ability to heal.
Bulging discs can cause a lot of pain especially when you’re moving. Often, this pain can lead you to stop certain movements, and then you don’t end up addressing the problem at all. Visiting a physical therapist is a great option to help you deal with the pain and get back your full range of motion. They will give you specialized exercises that help you strengthen the area around the problem. You can improve your posture, strength, and flexibility so you can reduce your pain and prevent further injury. However, although this may help you feel better, it will not repair your disc.
Not everyone is eager to take medication or receive surgery to fix their problems. Fortunately, there are other natural options you can try. Although these options can help manage the pain, they may not repair the problem. If you want to try to repair or are looking for corrective treatment, visit Nerve & Disc Institute today. Our trained healthcare professionals may help you find relief from any pain you’re experiencing and will work to address the root of the problem altogether.
For further treatment of your bulging disc, you can visit the Nerve & Disc Institute. Click here to learn more about the revolutionary, non-invasive treatment available.